
Wednesday 25 November 2020



  1. Me introducing me and yuno getting ready to battle 

  2. Now we are battling 

  3. It was a tie 

Asta and yuno are about to  have fight asta he uses the 

Demon book to use a massive sword cut magic down . Yuno has the power to use the air to move around  And somning a tornado and both are strong Ready to fight . Now they are fighting and all.

Lord’s can’t stop them there is 7 lord’s but the lord’s can not 

Beat atsa and yuno yuno does his powerful move and double teams with atsa sword to cut down the 7 lord’s magic.

There is only five lord’s left yuno take out two with his tornado

Swing then there is the most strongest 3 lord’s asta and yuno 

Used their strongest move and unlocked their GOD MOD.

And atsa yuno try their hardest yuno about to let go but asta say

Come on yuno then the 3 lord’s are sweating thinking the 

Two  boy of zoos the first lord the boys were getting  nerves 

Then asta pushed threw then the lord’s try their hardest 

Then a big boom flew them away from each other

Then they were too weak to fight anymore but asta and 

Yuno came back to use the finale attack to finish of the deadly lord 

To make the village safe for there family 

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